Reducing accidents through good housekeeping
10 August 2015Reducing dust allergens in the home
7 September 2015After making the decision to employ a Housekeeper, it’s important that discussions take place regarding a number of areas which will ensure the start of a happy working relationship.
Asking someone to join your home as a live-in Housekeeper in London will mean creating a new dynamic within the household. Areas such as boundaries between professional and personal lives, the standards of cleaning and other responsibilities as well as social time such as days off and holidays need to be talked about. It’s a two-way communication process; your Housekeeper can share their experiences with you so you can enjoy the best use of their skills and knowledge just as much as you can explain about the lifestyle of the family and the expectations of them in their new job.
Not having these discussions at the outset can mean that communication can quickly break down so it’s a positive step to talk everything through before the first duster is even lifted.
Setting Boundaries with your Housekeeper in London
Considering setting boundaries with someone who has only just become part of the family may feel awkward. Many shy away from this important step but the way to think is that they are a safety net.
It may feel uncomfortable at first but it’s the best first stride to take for a long-lasting relationship and an experienced Housekeeper will expect to know from you where the professional and personal boundaries lie.
The conversation should be positive and respectful with input from both sides. The main point to remember is that it’s not about being difficult, it’s about increasing effectiveness for everyone.
Responsibilities of the role
Both parties need to know where they stand as to who is responsible for what areas of the home. Every housekeeping role is different and this is why setting out what is expected is important from the beginning. The contract with the agency will cover many areas but a verbal discussion can iron out any questions. There can often be an initial settling in period of 2-4 weeks where both your Housekeeper and you can learn about the expectations of each other and to make adjustments where needed. A Housekeeper’s services are to be cherished and the building of a relationship will mean that they will know exactly how your family lives and interacts and where they fit in.
During the first few weeks:
Be flexible; not everyone carries out a task the same way you will
Inform your Housekeeper of any little ‘quirk’s such as a table leg which is unsteady or any items which are already chipped so they don’t worry they have been the cause
What to do in the case of any breakages during the initial settling in period; reassure your Housekeeper they can tell you about any accidents – they can happen. Ensure you are covered through your home insurance if there are fragile items of value in the home
Give praise where jobs are done well; discuss tasks you would like to see completed in a different way
Days off and holidays
The initial discussions with the agency can cover the requirements regarding how many days off a week the job includes and the expectations for holidays. Any particular requirements should be aired at the outset. This could include the role entailing the Housekeeper travelling with the family to their holiday home, or any particular time of the year where taking time off would not be preferable due to regular commitments.
Housekeeper services from SupaCare enable you have free time to carry on with other areas of your busy life and a great working relationship will mean you will develop a professional friendship as time progresses.
Looking for Housekeepers in London has a wealth of expertise waiting to join your home so if you’re finding it difficult to juggle a career and keep your house clean and organised, don’t delay in taking steps today to finding the much-needed addition of a Housekeeper. They will change your life for the better from their first day they arrive.